🧨 7-4-24 10:28 pm -
From photo shoot outside Gaslight. More TK.
The mouse 🐁 slept in a drawer in my room at the Hastings. Spyder waz horrified.
Here's another picture of my mouse 🐁.
(Ma fangz haven't even grown in yet!)
Still have ta clean all the punk rock grime off this one, but am impatient and going crazy trying ta edit this stuff.
Here I am on a smoke 🚬 break.
My lips are all swollen from kissing 💋 all night.
I got grilled pretty hard on who I'd been with as it waz pretty obvious someone had fucked the hell out of me.
Quake used ta take me on walking tours.
We'd walk around these scary alleys and crazy nowhere places.
Lots of adventures.
He waz a great pal.
I waz living on St. Andrewz, not far from the club in a basement apartment, and Quake would visit at all hours ⏰, jumping 🤸 through the window when he needed a place ta crash.
He waz alwayz a gentleman.
I found in my journal 📓 he left three bracelets.
I have had these three bracelets forever and wondered if they were his 'cause they were made for a giant.
Now I know they were his.
I'll put them up here soon.
It took Bernie AND Donny Popejoy ta peel me off and stop me from killing this fucking idiot guitar player I had left cuz he waz playing me like a yo yo 🪀.
I waz getting sick of his stalking me at my job and now he waz mouthing off 'cuz I waz seein' someone new.
I asked for a free beer , and he said for the next 3 minutes (or something like that) I could have free beer .
I promptly turned to the bartender, Autumn (my good good friend - she made Michael J. Fox make me another autograph 'cuz he misspelled my name...lol) and said "I'll have ten beers , please."
JOHNNY: Yeah, Billy already came by and picked it up 💸.
DOBY: Kewl! Thanks!
Yeah, I just let him keep it all.
It was never more than like $35.
I had a punk rock band when I ferst started out.
We played at Troubadour A LOT.
So glad I took this and saved this picture.
I inherited Ted the Punk.
I went out with this psycho pot dealer who I was living with in his mom's garage out in the valley.
We rehearsed in there, and the place was lined with carpet.
Stray cats would hang out with us.
They were both black.
I named one Spock 🖖.
He wandered off back into the wild.
He musta told his cousin who showed up and I named him Bat Cat.
Bat Cat Records is on my first hopefully lost forever 45.
The way Bat Cat got his name was me drawing target circles on the walls.
He became part Cat.
Part Bat 🦇.
As I racked up points.
This guy got really psycho and I had a hard time getting away from him.
I got some stupid generic I don't know what its called kinda fancy with a pool and shit place still out in the fucking valley.
Come home and the bitch is in my apartment.
Tries to throw me out the third floor window .
I calm him down and tell him to relax, everything's okay, just let me talk to you...
He calmed down.
I took his eye out with the broom I was reaching for behind my back while I was saying all that shit.
Hiz wonderful MOM told the manager SHE WAS MY MOM and that's how he got in.
Hiz name was Craig.
Fucked up name.
Sorry if your name is Craig.
Ted and Craig went hiking and Craig fell off the cliff and died.
So, I inherited Ted.
He was my occasional live-in butler.
He'd need a place to crash and I could give him $ and he would go get me cigarettes.
Kinda like that.
He was a really sweet boy.
Here we are getting ready to go be in a surf punk gang in a surf movie.
Hollywood pumped out a bunch of these movies at this time, skate movies, surf movies, they always needed punks.
And Janet Cunnigham at C.A.S.H. Casting, (I think that was part of the joke, not sure. Most of the time we got paid in CASH.), was there to fill their supply.
Always so grateful to her.
Dunno if I ever actually met her.
It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun.
We enjoyed freaking people out at the shoot as he led me around by a dog leash on my dog collar.
I dared him.
It was funny.
We got paid $25 cash and a cheese sandwich = kraft cheese slice with two slices of bread.
One smoky hazy Friday night slash mornin at Zero after my shift at Cathay, I waz showin Spyder my new acquirement from Oscar who also DJed 🎧 at Cathay.
Oscar waz this cool black dude and gave me this 45 with cardboard cover and all.
Akchully, the cover waz to a different version, but it waz cooler than the one it waz suppose ta come with.
The labelz came in all different colorz.
Mine waz yellow or pink.
"He got sick a me askin him ta play it alla time!" I explained.
Spyder freaked out examinin it with big eyez 👀 and yelped out that it had been one a hiz favorite songz .
Gaslight waz kinda a ruff club, but az y'all know I like that stuff.
It waz a wonderful magical place ta play.
I only got in two fights there.
One, I beat the pants offa this guy in pool 🎱 and had ta hide under the pool table az he waz three timez my size and he went a little wacko.
The other this crazy bitch - one a those chix who getz rockabilly RONG and wearz skirtz below the kneez.
She had a pathetic band and a sour 🍋 look on her face allatime.
She shot a beer bottle at me while I waz playin one night.
I ducked and kept playin - not missin a beat 😉.
Arlen was a mailman, so I would try to remember to dedicate Twistin' Postman to him.
There is another shoot from Fontenoy.
He took really great photos! :)
This was prolly Arlen's photo too, 'cause it looks like he just dropped off some photos for me.
Somethin in my face musta given it away when he did cuz I kept my trap shut. 🤐
It waz almost Halloween 🎃 so instead a the Mardi Gras beads he alwayz had in his pockets - without missin a beat - Jimmy slid a Spyder ring 🕷 💍 on my left hand.
I thought I published it in my column when he died - I'll be on the look out fer that tale - which was shortly after he called me and wanted ta stay at my crib in NYC.
He prefaced it with a little announcement subtly warning me not ta let him.
He lived in this building where (I'm pretty sure I got this rite) Marilyn Monroe use ta live when she first came to Horellywood offa Franklin.
The Zero waz more than an after hours speakeazy - it waz also an art gallery where I DJ'd 🎧 on the regalar.
More talez about that joint later.
There waz a courtyard with pretty rozez 🌹🌹🌹.
The fo yay had a big piano 🎹 and people would play it now and then lounging around.
I waz fascinated by this green couch in the middle a the room.
It waz just an ordinary typical couch but it waz PAINTED green!
I thought it waz the best idea ever.
Still do.
Me and Jimmy got really fucked up and I remember him chasing me around and around and around this
fucking couch with his armz stretched out in front of him like Frankenstein tryin ta catch me laffin our heads off.
I'm not Italian dunno where that came from but it was kinda funny).
I had a Raggedy Ann Doll, that was almost absconded by the maid in the sheet changing.
I rescued her.
One day I noticed red stuff 🩸 all over the elevator on my way down to do my shift at Cathay.
When it opened, it waz a whole TV 📺 scene of a guy laying in a pool of blood 🩸 and an exhazperated cop 👮 snidley sayin ta me, "Ya wanna step OVER the body?"
I must a just come back from NYC on a let's-check-it-out trip fer a couple a weeks (might've been a month, not sure).
I got those shoes and stockings there.
Yeah, there's a square in the heel.
They were pretty persnickity about their rockabilly revival fashion.
Red stockingz, heelz 👠, ballerina uniform 🩰, fonzie-esque leather jacket, fluffy white boa, shiny aviator shadez 🕶, fishnet white fingerz cut out gloves 🧤, somewot beehived out hair with a big red bow 🎀 in it.
I never understood wot hiz problem waz.
A while back at Cathay, Carlos asked ta use my bass amp that I had there.
I said, "If I can sit in, yeah."
A course when I piped up during Top Jimmyz set about it,
Carlos blew me off.
I got my gang, the same guyz who beat up Suicidal Tendenciez when they accosted me starting up my motorcycle 🏍 in front of the club,
and pulled the amp right off the stage.
Gil, their bass player had a cast on his leg fer some reason and Carlos twisted the story up ta say I waz gonna have them beat him up, and how unfair it waz cuz he waz in a cast.
Waz never really ever at Jimmyz showz I noticed when I perused pictures and video of them at Cathay.
Future Doby here: Watching this video realized I ended up playing with everyone on the stage except the bass player (Gil) and the sax player 🎷 (Tom Fabray).
I stole the drummer 🥁 Joey Morales, both guitar playerz (even Carlos) and Jeff Ross.
He had a really sweet gf who waz also another rare female friend - likewize the other waitress (besidez me) Penny who I ran into on St. Marx in NYC.
Mike Martt waz in my frendz band Tex and the Horseheads.
I did one show playing saxophone 🎷 with her in somethin she cooked up called Texorcist - well, I remember walking over ta the club with her and my horn, but itz a big blank after that. 🎷
I went ta her house ta rehearse and wot a cool house she had!
There waz a big horse head on the wall. 🐴
Again, I kinda blacked out at some point.
I could never keep up with the party favorz she alwayz had at hand. 🎉
Tex waz also a good pal and super talented!
I waz alwayz in awe of her.
Mike waz also in Thelonious Monster and Gun Club.
It waz alwayz a great time! 🎈
The guy in the middle is Charlie Sexton.
The guy behind me, I think his name is Merle.
The guy at the top, with just his eyes showing, good chance it is my pal Francois from Motorcycle Boy.
The guy in the Headlock is Tommy Wright.
He was in a band called The Little Kings.
He was also a skater.
He showed up at my crib at the Fontenoy with a 6' skateboard.
It was ridiculous.
Everything was okay for about five minutes.
When it was pretty clear I was not going to fuck him, he flipped out and started screaming.
HUH? HUH???"
I told him to gtfo.
He didn't like that and kept on yelling insane shit.
I told him I was gonna call the cops.
I don't remember how, but eventually I got him out.
He stood downstairs, screaming up at my window on the 10th floor with his retarded skateboard.
Cops dragged him and his board away.
On second thought, I think they made him leave it and he was screaming about that too.
There was a lot of interesting characters in the building at that time
I sometimes wonder if any of them witnessed this.
I wasn't fired or quit.
The problem with my story is I don't think she threw the first punch.
I imagine her laffing at me had something to do with the situation.
I have this last one as a photo, but it's YUGE and I'll have to stich it together...tk
A regular routine me and Jimmy had was we would meander over ta Pla-boy Liquor
and get Jack Daniels (as I remember the brand being) and these things.
I think the idea was you had to be drunk to eat them.
This was confirmed when I got one from Ralph's recently to check this suspicion out.
I didn't remember how tiny the can was.
It fit in the palm of my hand.
It was definitley a vital component in trying to digest this crap.
Had to be.
Jimmy called it "Poor Man's Pate."
At check out, I'd point out my Doby Daenger and The Hi-Hi Boys framed photo I'd delivered to them for mounting on the wall.
When I came back from NYC, I went to see if it was still there.
I don't think it was.
Haunting the familiar path back to my crib - Motorcycle Boyz house was conveniently caddy corner from Pla-boy's, and rounding the bend was Roy's place.
Lurch like dude who had a low slow speaking Lurchlike voice.
He was a bouncer at Gaslight.
Sometimes at night, we'd signal flash our lights to each other to say hello.
We would go back to my crib, which was just down the street and get blasted and I would hand him my guitar that was held together with duct tape and barely tuneable.
I'd accompany him with a washboard I got from Consumer's Drugstore.
Consumer's was owned by two old dudes suspected of being brothers who were always there in white faux doctor uniforms.
One was tall and thin with a shock of white hair and a mustache with gold wire frame glasses.
The other was shorter, kinda fat and kinda bald.
They would stand around and would carefully watch you shop, which was extremly annoying.
It seemed they would go downtown and buy crap fer cheap and throw it on their shelves fer more as ware to buy.
Recently tried to find an actual washboard, and could not.
My red towel, still operational, I realized the other day, came from there.
I had this Duophone Radio Shack answering machine.
It had two cassettes one fer outgoing and one fer incoming.
I used it to record our jam sessions.
This one got salvaged.
Live at the Fontenoy with Mark Thompson on Fox News.
This is a copy of a copy from Doby-TV 📺 pieced back together.
Hey, I'm just glad I could I find it.
It's like a miracle.
00:56 BTTF 3 Poster
01:16 Casualties of War picture
01:22 Wot would become my band mate in NYC "Mystery" that came outta the elevator prolly from Crispin Glover's house (the cage too.)
01:28 Capitol Records and one a the monster masks and two of the lamposts Creepy (Motorcycle Boyz roommate) made.
01:34 Spider stuck on the window .
01:35 Just the edge of Haunted House Creepy painted.
01:38 Child Coffin against the wall (from Creepy).
01:40 Ventriloquist doll sitting in the rocking chair.
01:42 Picture of Spyder he gave me with little 🧡 note on it (really hard to see).
My boss asked me if I knew any good bandz ta play their Halloween party. 🎃 🎉
So I got theze guyz.
They gave us free costume rentalz at Western Costume which waz down the street next ta Paramount on Melrose at the time.
We could get anything we wanted so I came as some kinda 1800s wild west hooker or something.
Spyder really liked it. 👀
Here iz my fren Timmy modeling it while we return it.
This is on one a the sound stagez. 📣
Mr. Ed, Green Acrez, The Beverly Hillbilliez and the Adamz Family all filmed there, so this might be one of thoze. 📺
Those are all my favorite shows!
Here iz another shot 📷 I found a Eddie Baytos (keyboards) 🎹 and Jimmy Roberts (saxophone) 🎷 at this event.
I went ta Jimmy Rz house 🏠 one time ta get flute lessonz.
That waz, uh...odd 🙄.
Eddie use ta sometimez tap dance 🕺 at The Central showz too.
I waz talkin' ta Will late one night 🌙 slash morning 🌅 after they played at a table (he had a mighty crush on me... 😍).
Eddie and Spyder were on the little side couch slash bench thing against the outside a the backstage dressing room snickering and pouting in unison with their armz crossed 😠😠.
"We're just friends!" I plainted 😧.
They just continued giving me sharp little angry nodz 😠😠.
I started yellin 😫 that I waz gonna make a sign so they would know.
No worriez 😉.
I still got my Spyder kissezzz 🕷💋💋💋
After I came back from NYC 🗽 I fooled around with electronic music⚡🎵⚡and carried on The Ratonettes 🐀👧🐀in animation form. tk
Waz listenin 🎧 to em and they are pretty trippy ✨.
I realized one of em sounded just like I felt 💖 when he kissed 💋 me. tk
I found a buncha theez and thought they were some kinda silly doodlez or sumthin.
Wazn't sure I drew them, but have a vague rekalekshun of having the state of mind that the person was talking fast and drawing it as quick as I could.
The teeth are great tho and makin me laff.
That iz after I figured out wot they were.
I had ta turn it upside down sidewayz and backwardz to figger it out.
I have ta Nancy Drew this one.
Seemz ta be from some music lesson.
I tossed the other onez back in the magic box not paying attention and not realizing wot they were.
I hope they are not too offended and make another appearance.
1-3-24 3:31 pm - Watched this movie last night.
Walking down memory lane working on dis stuff jarred my brain into remembering seeing this movie ages ago.
I was around all this shit, (another story tk) and also went to Starwood.
Totally underage, but they served us anyway after the waitresses giving me and this rich chick the ol stick eye, who I don't even remember how I met that lived across the street from the joint in a fancy apartment with her crazy neglectful mom who was busy getting all '70s decked out to go out and whore it up I guess that blamed me for the aftermath.
We washed down the pair of quaaludez with the beer that she pulled outta her pocket and presented me with.
No idea how I met her or wot happened to her.
Her mom was all pissed off screaming how I was supposed to be responsible for her.
All I remember about that penthouse was it had a zillion bathrooms.
The Plimsouls and The Fabulous Poodles were prominently advertised (prolly at The Whiskey / Roxy - not sure) I remember spying - as we joyously scampered down the stairs, out the door, and down the street to the club.
The Mentors were playing as we swallowed the pills, having the time of our lives.
Wasn't of age to get in this place, but...(more tk)
My Space Gun. More tk.
Heh heh forgot about the Dob E. Part.
I made a logo fer the drumz 🥁 and everything.
It was so much fun!
I'd forgotten I played with Jerry Sikorski and Steve Clark.
Or this Clay dude.
Jerry and Steve were both in Ray Campi and his Rockabilly Rebels.
Spyder had been in Jerry's band American Patrol.
I remember zero of what happened at this gig except George Throroughgood or however u spell his name walking by the stage as I'm packing my shit up after the set kinda snydley answering my hello with a sharp quick nod.
"Huh. Rockin' Robin..."
Another one o these nods,
"Huh." looking down his nose at me, and walks away.
This Jerry guy took me to a Phil Spector Bowling party and it was pretty fucked up.
But exciting and hilarious at the same time.
This iz Will.
Lotza adventurez with this guy. tk
He waz kind of a fuck up but we all were.
He gave me this photo and signed it ta me with RED ink 🩸.
On red brick🧱. 🙄
You can barely see it! 👓
So I jimmied it with my wizardry 💥 to pull it up and this is the result.
I'll do another a these normally, but this is just so you can see 👁 👁 it.
Oh, almost fergot: It sayz
He use ta call me Bass Face and I'd call him Richy Cunningham. 😆
I'm wearing a pink and white 50s er 60s bathing suit 🩱, pink dangly earings (still got em! photo tk!) and on my right hand along with my 🚬 my white Swatch! ⌚ (still got it too! 😆)
The guy checking me out in the background 🥴.
My little belt thingy that goez to the dress is falling off. 🤭
I'm pretty sure this was written by Top Jimmy, as we always use ta take a cab 🚖 together whenever he played there.
We'd always get to one section of the freeway, and he'd always point out some newfangled laser ray that if you looked at the right time, you could see.
🧨 4-23-24 8:41 pm - This waz an unexpected great event 😸.
It waz way the fuck downtown.
Fishbone 🐟 🦴 waz on this bill and no one promoted it 🙄.
I tried ta find some info on this club, but could not find a thing 😕.
I remember sitting around in this livingroomesque place with lottsa couches and stuff with theze guyz.
Recalling something about there not even being any electrical appliances ta play with like no mics 🎤 er something like that.
No one showed up 😑, so we just all started jamming.
They were cool az fuck.
I got ta know the keyboard player 🎹 and he came over my house and waz teaching me stuff.
(No monkey bizness! 🐵)
Here they are in yet another a the endless string a Beach Moviez that waz bein pumped out at da time:
Future Doby here.
Found this, so apparently the Club Read gig was at some joint called The New Moon Restaurant... 😶
I'm so happy I got ta play at Madame Wong's East!
It was not around fer a long time.
Chinatown was trippy.
There was a club next to or very near it I played at called Hop Singh's and/or the Hong Kong Cafe...hazy recollection...
Spyder played with Blow Up and Jimmy & the Mustangs.
Dunno if he was playing with either of them then or not.
I'm about three or four months away from meeting him and Marshall and Jeff a The Mustangs.
They were a lot of fun.
Real nice guyz.
I mighta roughed Marshall up while we were dancing at Zero one nite.
He was layin' it on pretty thick with the sweet talk, that I believed none of, and oblivious to the situation a who I was seein'.
The drummer 🥁 in Blow Up was in my band fer about five minutes.
It was another "I'll call the cops" kinda situation. 🤪
Madame Wong was a wild and scary lady!
Madame Wong's West had been a mortuary.
I helped Jan Ballard book the place at one point.
All I remember is getting really messed up there one night when she practically force fed me Brandy Alexanders.
I was on some dude's lap outside the office part upstairs one night.
He was gettin' frisky with me and I threw up white vomit all over him. 😆
I met 20/20 there.
I'd played their vynyl raw and was fawning all over them.
They were very confused as to why I liked them so much.
Joined the Cavalry 🐴 and said this Frank guy saved his life as he chased Pancho Villa across the desert 🌵, and that's how I got my middle name.
He had his own room in my grandparents' house 🏠.
My grandmother was a complete bitch, so I don't blame him.
He had a bed along the wall across from the window that faced the yard.
There was a little table with a short wave radio 📻 on it.
He sat me down on this wooden chair 🪑 and showed me how to work it.
"If you hear 👂 a language you don't know, come get me and I'll tell you what language it is."
I loved ♥ him so much.
I'll write more about him sometime.
Thatz not my mom - itz the cross the street neighbor.
The boy in the blue sweater and the girl in the white blouse are her kidz.
The girl sitting next to me iz the down the street neighbor.
They were Hawaiian.
They gave me a mu mu that I wore in my kindergarten class photo.
Don't think I put that up yet...
My brother is in the black and white striped shirt.
My mom alwayz dressed us really kewl.
I think this iz a pitchur from my brotherz birthday.
Hiz cake waz off the chain kewl. tk
My mom knew how to throw a party 🎉.
This movie reminded me of this model I made as a kid.
My parents just basically let me and my brother run wild.
We had to clean the fish, though.
It was disgusting.
Other kids would come by as we did this on the beach and make fun of us.
My brother gutted and I scaled.
My father made us these spears, so we could get more fish.
My brother dropped some fish off the boat.
My father picked him up and tossed him in the ocean to get it.
My dad was a trip.
I'd been dunked a couple times myself.
My dad was always inventive as to how to get us to get even more food.
We soon learned the art of Abalone diving.
If we were sailing far, for some reason the whole family would
take a nap, leaving me to steer the boat.
I don't know why they did this.
Very trippy feeling to look around and just a horizon of water 360 degrees.
Very Quiet.
You and this stick you gotta point at a wobbly black piece of glass with a floating dial in it.
Flying fish are real, yo!
Dolphins would jump over our boat and my dad would get pissed and tell us to stop feeding them that he was afraid they would fuck up the boat or some shit.
Yet, he tried to catch a Marlin once.
They were magnificent creatures.
They would haul them up at the end of the pier.
I've never seen colors like that before, the way the sun glinted off their magnificent scales.
The majesty of their daring long pointy snouts. Giant gold eyes.
The fin. The perfect mixture and blending of blue and purple...
The pink yawning mouth.
I remember white gleaming pointy chompers in an eerie smile.
I musta caught some of my dad's entrepeneurial skills, as I quickly spotted opportunity on this pier.
Yeah, other kids were diving for quarters.
I remember doing this too.
I quickly formed a gang.
These kids had a house on the island.
And a wagon.
We'd wait for the big white boat to pull in.
We'd offer to take the tourists luggage to their hotel for like, I really don't remember how much...
We also would sell the shells from our abalone dives.
Joke was on them, 'cause the hotel was at the end of the pier.
There was this movie theater slash ice cream parlor slash hotel.
The way the building was constructed, there was some sort of courtyard where they set up seating for us kids and showed Our Gang pictures against one of the walls.
Other kids staying in the hotel would lower down sodas to us on string.
Jelly fish.
Very trippy.
We'd fish and run into schools of bonito, and we'd haul in fish after fish after fish.
My dad would curse at every fish, slam it into a bucket and quickly throw a seat cushion on it.
He'd point at one of us, then point at the bucket.
Me and my brother took turns sitting on the bucket till the fish was dead.
He'd at least always give us warning that the fucking things had teeth.
They did too. They were scary AF.
And, yes they would pop out the bucket, despite all these precautions.
I was scared AF of the teeth.
Check out those chompers!
Eventually, he would scream "There is too much blood on the goddamn boat!" and fishing time was over.
We got this other kinda fish in the school sometimes.
We had to save the heads for Gramma.
Gramma spooked me the fuck out.
I did like skin diving and spear fishing.
I was not far off from our boat, and looked down.
There was a massive stingray right under me crusing the ocean floor.
He was three times my size.
He followed me.
Besides petting garibaldi...
...I had two animal friends.
A wild dog, his name was just dog, and a wild pig named Max.
We had this discarded football and I would throw it in the surf, and we would chase each other for it.
Tourists would take pictures.
Max was black and white, and the hippies would get him drunk sometimes, and he would stagger back to the woods, or wherever he lived.
I hung out with the hippies one time.
They were doing a seance and holding hands in a circle.
They didn't have a candle, so they were using a lit cigarette in the middle of the circle.
I musta got a contact high, 'cause when my brother came to pick me up in the dingy, I kept falling outta the boat, laughing hysterically.
It was during red tide.
I remember being hynotized by the glowing as I treaded water looking at it in wonder.
I got a guitar for my eighth birthday.
I used to sit in the windows of this walkway and play.
It was mostly Kumbaya, Jet Plane, This Land is Your Land This Land is My Land and If I Had a Hammer.
I think I got those from the hippies.
I actually found a picture of it, will try to remember to put it up.
My dad, gotta hand it to him, was always scoping out an angle.
Now, Benny Goodman lived on a big boat there.
My dad puts me and the guitar in the dingy and heads over there.
I told you. My dad was a trip.
So, yeah, I jammed with Benny Goodman and his wife played piano there on his boat.
I found Eldonz wig.
Well, it waz mine.
Montana Davez gf Gidjet gave it ta me fer some reason.
Another chick I knew from Hi Skool.
Somehow he gotta hold of it and use ta uze it az a disguyz 👺 ta try and get in ta see my band at Gaslight which waz kinda connected ta the Ivar Theater 👯 where he ran the lites 🔦 or somethin.
It makes itz appearence at 4:00 minutes in.
I had gone hunting 🔎 fer it a while back and couldn't find it.
It use ta be plantinum blonde but it kinda loox green now so I did find it but didn't know it 😮.
I guess it got thrown around a bit.
I'll take a picture 📷of it. tk
I member sittin on this bench in the foyay of Zero one nite playin' my acoustic guitar 🎸 (You kin kinda see it under the table).
Jimmy was on one side a me Duce was on the other and Jimmy said ta me, "You play too punk rock." 🧷 and Duce said ta me, "You play too country." 🤠
He took me with him to a KXLU interview 🎧 🎤.
I wrote all about it in my journal 📓.
I'll dig it up.
Someone sent ✉ me a cassette a long time ago of it.
Again, I'll have ta go treasure hunting ta find it. tk
Here iz a song you can hear of what it kinda sounded like.
I could never find any good musicians in NYC except for Mike Mok.
Don't remember wot happened to him, he musta gone into the ether.
Remembering something about a jealous girlfriend.
She took some good photos of us anyway, I'll put up.
I had this sweet girl on guitar and one robot 🤖 on drumz 🥁.
She left in terror at the rehersal studio I had constructed in my basement, freaking out when I said, "Hold on," and paused to photograph a plump rat I discovered I had successfully murdered with the cheese and borax oerdurve I made for him.
Of course, on the other side of the brick basement wall, Joey was recording his solo album.
During a beer run, just had to run into Daniel Rey (groan), who gave me his typical arrogant look and comment, "What are YOU doing here?"
"I fucking live here, dude."
He walked away shaking his head in dismissal, mockingly muttering "Dude."
This happened every time I said Dude to anyone, so can't fault him on that one.
I forgot I played this club, used to drink there a lot with Nick I think bbbllluuurrr.
Our/My last gig was at CBGBs with this line up.
My friend from MNN Dayshawn filmed it.
Hopefully it stays lost forever.
I think Hilly's dog was the only attendee.
No clear recollection of this event.
I blasted home soon after this.
People stopped saying "Why don't u go back to California!" and started saying, "But, you're such a New YAWKer."
I must say it was the right move.
(Spoiler Alert: My City Was Gone)
There wasn't much ta do by 2002.
I was mostly DJing 🎧, doin' live Public Access 📺, workin' at Bob's and photography.
This gig was so fucked up.
I got there and they claimed the DJ equipment didn't work, and ignored me.
They were so arrogant.
Someone got it working.
When I went to get paid, I was told the "Garageland" grifter had left me a $10 bill.
I lost my shit and told them I would go to Brooklyn to get the rest of my $ and he wasn't gonna like it.
Dick Maniblowjob got on the horn and let the guy know it wasn't a good idea to fuck with me, and the bitch came back and I got the rest of my money.
As far as I was concerned, when Joey died, so did rock 'n' roll, and these people were just surviving on the fumes of their fake notoriety, backed up with junkie idolatry and no skill or talent.
Dick was afraid of me.
I kept clicking my heels trying to get home.
As I said before: Spoiler alert: My city was gone.
There's a lot more of these.
I'll put them up soon...
I played there A LOT.
It was a great place!
One of my favorites!
I loved playing pool there, and ringing up The Hives on the jukebox!
I got other stuff with this camera with my pals Sea Monster and Judy downstairs at, I guess another show they played at at Continental.
Drawback to using this contraption was that it needed a lot of light that I managed to assemble.
I know it was Continental, 'cause the singer of Sea Monster, Arthur was complaining to the guy who ran it, Trigger, about the pizza being cold.
Joey Zero and Jerry Agony are on that too.
I got video of the backstage antics (tk).
There is also some guy who was supposedly a big star and maybe boxer from (Brazil?) named Supla who is in it too.
It's kinda confusing as these clubs started melding together.
The thing recorded on audio cassette, which had long stopped working.
I managed to Gerry rig it with one of the cameras I got from MNN.
I filmed a lot of weird stuff with that thing.
Jerry was a wacky dude, and we did another MNN NYC public access 📺 show with him on Joey Zero's show - another trippy dude.
Joey Zero would come on my show now and then.
He did my show the day after I beat up this chick who was shuving me, demanding I put out my cigarette at one of Joey Ramone's gigs at the Continental...
I kept throwing my arms straight up in the air, like "I am not doing this!" as the crowd was starting to notice the commotion.
Joey's brother buying me five shots of tequila might have had something to do with me having super powers and taking this giant of a woman down the third time she shuved me, knocking off my sunglasses .
That was the last straw.
Glad I kinda sobered up when I noticed the black painted brick wall and had the insane thought that I could bash her head into it and let go.
She did a little backwards somersault on the floor and they threw her out.
A circle formed around me of the patrons backing away from me.
I just stood there, smoking my cigarette 🚬, proud of my accomplishment.
Joey was mightily impressed and after the set sent over a little blonde girl with short hair and several cameras 📷📷📷 around her neck for some reason to find out wtf happened.
I told her.
She traipsed back over to Joey who was languishing by the stage after the show.
I walked over to him, and he introduced her to me as, "BJ."
I refrained with great restraint from asking her if that waz her name or wot she did.
He asked me wot happened.
Reliving Rock 'n' Roll High School was pretty trippy, as everything was so fucking High Schoolish.
I told him the girl I gave a beating to didn't want me smoking 🚬 in the club.
He wistfully commented, "Wotz da wohld 🌎 comin' to."
It was pretty hysterical 😆, as I was only five feet away from the stage watching the show when this brawl broke out, so Joey had a front row seat fer the match.
He was singing 🎤 thru the whole escapade.
I don't drink hard liquor, only beer.
Could never figure out why Joey's brother got me FIVE shots.
Future Doby here: Mystery solved.
Oh, I fergot ta mention it was St. Patrick's Day 🍀.
At one point, I musta storyboarded the fight 🥊 at Cuntinental, as I use ta endearingly refer to it.
It's pretty crude and ridiculous, but u mite get a kick outta it.
There's other frames o this, but fer now, here ya go!
Kinda captures the whole thing! 😆
There's more a these tk.
Joey Zero was filming 📹 the show, but neglected to film the fight. 🙄
We did discuss the matter on DOBY-TV 📺 the next day though.
I have these in color.
Dunno why these are in black and white
Will try to switch em up.
Yet again, even more memorabilia from my pal Francois.
I got pitchurs of her taunting the cop on St. Mark's, wearing electrical Xs on her nipples and an American flag kinda around her waist.
She spray painted The Gap when they opened up on St. Mark's.
*8/20/23 - Future Doby here. I found 'em last night. Stay tuned.
She pierced people's tongues and worked at this shop there and always offered but I never bit on the free piercing.
I spyed 🔎 some writing on the back a some Anti-Elvis Club flyerz that never got passed out.
Alwayz keepin an eye 👁 out fer that kinda thing, az there are lotza saprizez in theze Jack in the Box
boxez 📦📦📦.
Apparently I would write on the back of em uzin em fer scratch paper.
They are kinda decipherable.
I'll try and do that here.
The flyerz are like 1/4 of an 8 1/2 xeroxed page.
This Artist joint 🎨 was pretty generous and I got screamed at 🤬 by some other struggling artists🎨 with sour 🍋 dispositionz seein 😮 me uzin the xerox machine.
I'm eternally grateful to the guy that ran it ta let me do that, and glad they were uzed ta create art 🎨 az well and to full extent with no waste by preserving my writing .
Too bad I can't remember 💭 the name a the joint 🙄.
Got screamed at again 🤬 by some other screeching struggling artist 🎨 when I showed up there fer some performance I waz invited to sayin I wasn't on the guest list 📜.
I mite a even been performing 🎸 there that nite ...
Sumthin wacky like that 🤪.
It waz around the corner from my crib 🏚.
I can see the guy that ran the place in my magination 💭, but can't quite remember hiz name.
I will though...
I waz starvin and figgered out how to find boox 📚 that people thru away 🗑 (lottza college studentz 🎓 discardz) and where I could find them on the regular.
This waz one a thoze spots.
I would sell em on eBay and survived ta supplement wotever pitance Bleecker Bobz and/or Village Underground waz payin me at the time.
So as near as I can figger, theze are from one a thoze other covfefe shops ☕...
Therez a whole shitload a theze from one such excurzhon. tk directly
*Future Doby here: Done (pretty shur).
Wotz really weird iz it doezn't even look like my writing.
I can't really decipher alot of it.
I think it'll make sense when I'm done and I can put em in order.
I tried ta do that at one point, and it sorta made sense.
Kinda trippy.
Therez 12 all together.
*Future Doby here - there are 13.
You can see the difference of how skitzafrenic 😵 I am at theze yuppy Coffee ☕ shops and how chill I am at Margaretz just by my handwriting...
There iz some writing scrap I have about that place I'll put up soon...
And here is wot I'm writing on the back of.
Going to try to transcribe theez here.
My friend Kaya. More tk.
Hehe Valentine's Day. Joey is spying on me.
This was one of his events, he'd have these things alla time.
So much fun! :)
I played acoustic after Coyote Shivers.
No idea how I even got on the bill.
This is a flyer from when I first started haunting St. Mark's.
I waz on the bill fer this but course they didn't uze my name.
I sharpied my name in on some a the posters glued around da street.
I played after Coyote Shivers.
They treated me pretty shitty.
Joey Zero filmed me.
I recently found the footage. tk
You can see me having a melt down from their treatment.
It waz all such a fuck fest.
Never seen so much cringe in my whole life.
A big circle jerk.
Joey Zero had me hold his camera while he went to the bathroom or somethin.
I noticed someone waz spying on me from backstage.
I think seein that footage kicked in some memory cellz.
I'd mastered the art a supreshun at some point.
Survivor skill.
I had just met Joey at Maniblowjobz birthday party.
I had brought Elvis with me and he wolfed down some treats.
We spent the whole time talkin to each other.
Something about the cookiez laid out and I said I didn't have much of a sweet tooth. 🍪
I asked him about this cartoon show he had been on.
I waz very adament about did he get ta meet the bug.
*Took me a long time to remember the name a this show...
Was watching this and didn't realize C.J. had been in the band that long.
I use ta get phone calls allatime from people asking fer C.J.
I'd say Ramone?
And they'd say yeah.
I didn't know the dude so I figured he musta had a phone number close ta mine. 📞
Joey waz pretty confuzed and started laffin and explained it waz just a DJ 🎧.
We were huddled in some corner.
Pretty soon people started noticin and coagulated into a giant staring circle around us.
He asked me ta come down ta the Valentinez show and this iz how I got on the bill.
So it WAZ fun hangin out with him.
But everyone else waz a total drag.
A shock ta my system.
I went from Voyage a the Rock Alienz ta some twisted version a Rock 'n' Roll High Skool in one plane ride. ✈
High Skool bein the key word.
I had met him fer a second when I first landed and went and saw The Ramonez last show (I think last show in NYC or something) at Coney Island High.
When I went to buy my ticket from the bartender he snickered at me as I handed over a $20 and then some fer a beer.
"WHY are you even goin ta this?" he went on an on about how they sucked and how I waz wastin my money as he rang it up inta the till.
I waz in my cute little rockabilly dress so I waz obviously from outta town. 👗
I went downstairz and the place was packed.
With guyz.
Really young guyz with no shirtz on slam dancing with each other.
Bartender wazn't wrong.
The whole thing kinda sucked but it waz exciting to see Joey.
I'd gotten chided more than once about bein Riff Randall back home.
I'd had a crush on him since I waz a kid and Dave Hull the Hullaballooer thru The Ramonez on the turntable.
After the show I was standin in front a the club and this tall dude pops out and I look up and he's starin at me.
I lost my shit and said "Joey Ramone! I LOVE YOU!"
I was semi fucked up from the beer.
He said, "That's nice." and made a right and walked home with a trail a really young teen age girlz followin him.
They all had on perfect little punk rock outfitz.
I'm standin' there like Annette Funicellow feelin like Dorothy like where the fuck am I?
I started laffin at the whole situation.
I made a left and walked home.
Couldn't stop laffin.
This couple stopped me and said, "Excuse me. We just gotta know wot iz so funny?"
I managed to squeak out between my laffin that I had just met Joey Ramone!
They looked at each other and rolled their eyez with a hint a disgust.
"Oh, iz THAT all." and walked away.
I quickly learned the Ramonez were not exactly the toast a the town.
There were two photo shoots from this.
One was at Eleven St. Marks where I was interviewed at a gig I was playing there.
The other one was by the same photographer at Coney Island.
Thought there waz schmutz on this photo at the end of the bar.
Therez a couple a shotz 📷 a me up on the bar like this and I realized THE BAR IZ FUCKED UP LIKE THAT 😖 !
Termite 🐜 walkz into a bar and sayz "Where iz the bar tender?"
Apparently there.
It was long and narrow, like St. Mark's Bar and Grill.
Pulled this off one of the three contact sheets I found.
Waz tryin' ta see if it waz even possible to pull pictures from it...
These were marked Valentine's Day and it was cold as fuck.
Might have been when we had the blizzard.
It was a basement apartment, and this building was ancient.
The walls in my "bedroom" were giant stones.
I didn't have a heater, either.
Just this long space heater and it would growl like a demon and glow.
I put all the animals, dog and bitch bird parakeet I found that was all fucked up I had found in my yard, under the covers.
It was getting beat up by other birds.
I didn't even know what it was when I caught it.
It was struggling on my fence in the yard.
I nursed it back to health.
It was not grateful.
I brought it to L.A.
I don't even remember it's name.
Maybe something stupid like "brd brd."
Yup, I think that was it's name.
I got it a friend from the Rain Forest store on Santa Monica.
That was interesting.
The owner dude had these exotic birds on perches all over the store.
They flew over and perched on me.
Like five or more giant birds.
I really love animals.
It was a pretty and unusually very green parakeet.
Bitch bird tried to beat him up.
It was a cunt bird.
It disappeared one day.
No idea wot happened to it.
Anyway, I put the cunt bird and the dog inside the bed, trying to stay warm.
The snow was up to the car windows, and people just left them in the street.
(Not really sure if this happened then or not - but it was damn cold - the blizzard was in December I think - again, not really sure.
The dates on my photos are kinda screwy.)
I got up in the nite cause I was freezing and needed something, maybe had to pee, I dunno...
(Oh, gawd, about a week ago I found a video of the mouse in the toilet scene - I wrote about it in my book, but fergot I actually filmed it.
The reason I could film all this stuff was digital cameras had just been invented and I went out and bought the first ones - thats why so low quality, but it worked.)
...and I stubbed my toe on one of those rocks in my wall.
I thought I heard a crack and since my foot was pretty frozen - I wasn't sure.
Motorcycle Boy were hilarious house guests fer a a week or so.
I played saxophone 🎷 with them as I sometimes did back home.
I'd been wondering fer a long time what clubs we played, cuz it waz a big blur.
Found this flyer that cleared that up!
These were big venues, so I'm pretty impressed!
There might a been more shows, but like I said, it's a big bbb lllll uuu rrr...
Future Doby here:
Hehe, found a scrap a paper that said we played the Continental too tk.
More in the Future Doby here:
Here it iz!
Scrawlingz of the dates fer Motorcycle Boy we played in NYC.
Dunno who wrote it, most likely Francois.
All the photos from this adventure are kinda screwy because I was pretty drunk fer most of it.
I'll try and put some more up.
Doubt you wanna see Kenny Toy Boy in my yard in his striped tidy whities fighting a hang over. lol.
Here are some now:
The Motorcycle Boyz went drinking, but Francois stayed home with me and we had a good long talk.
He passed the fuck out, and I put him to bed, (best I could).
Wasn't sure who this was till I ran across this story.
It's Francois!
He drew some great ones of me.
There's another one he drew of me besides this one!
I'll put it up soon.
Waz rereading this story 📓 about Motorcycle Boy visit ta NYC 🗽 cuz hadn't read 👓 it in a while and thought 🤔 I mite b able ta find the episode 📺 about the Anacondaz 🐍.
I think it waz Nat Geo WILD, as I remember the phraze "BREEDING BALL," 🪩 and the muzik 📻 on this thing clox 🕰 it at about that time ⏳.
Future Doby here: Naw, they left the part out about "staying that way fer hourz," but itz still hilarious.
I was showing Nick my new "video cam."
It was the first web cam ever, so I had to go get one.
I took some more pictures of him, but I fucked up and had the resolution rong.
They came out pretty trippy, cuz they're so tiny and you can only tell it's Nick at the actual teeny size.
I'll put them up when I find them.
Yeah, 2000 was kinda fucked 😒.
I was sad.
This is from my webcam, doin some writing.
I use ta go and try ta find some peace in the 6B Garden 😒 🥀.
Tried ta get on a guest list cause I knew no way in hell the guy that ran the place was gonna let me in - even though I played there alla time.
Joey thru them out of his house - never got the full story, but they ended up at my house.
The phone is prominently there because they have to wait for Joey to call.
The Riff Randell in me was enjoying this part of the movie.
another picture tk.
Here is a crappy picture of my studio in NYC.
Wow was trying to remember her name.
It just came to me.
That thing came outta the Fontenoy Tower elevator as I was goin down, presumably from Crispin Glover's pad (I got other stuff this way too, lol.) above mine.
It didn't have any arms.
I couldn't take the lower torso with legs, but I managed to get this part of her shipped to me via Paramount mail.
No joke.
I'm still stumped as to how I got Creepy's child coffin to NYC this way as well (and his haunted house creepy painting).
There's pictures of it in my NYC crib. (will put up soon)
So I guess I succeeded.
The street lanterns did not make it.
There is actually a video of Mark Thompson the weatherman's tour of the Fontenoy place.
Unknown where this is, but I know I got it somewhere.
Motorcycle Boy had just arrived and we're takin a tour a the neighborhood.
We had just got done hangin out with Kembra and her friendz. tk.
I'm all Nancy Drew about myself and had ta look at this ta figure out when theze pix were.
I thought I waz so silly and trivial about puttin it up.
So interesting ta see how all the dotz line up.
Itz just like I remembered it.
I did this one Doby-TV show where I go ta Taco Bell and pass this place. tk 🌮
I filmed it not with my Pixel camera, which I think iz worth about a zillion dollarz now, but with itz competition that came out: Tycovision. 🎥
It'z actually a lot clearer.
Not sure wot it recorded to.
Prolly nuthin, like just yer VCR 📼 or yer TV 📺.
I think I just jimmyed it like I did the Pixelvison that recorded ta audio cassette that didn't work anymore and hooked it up to a real camera I got from MNN.
I still have em both.
It waz the same Halloween az the Ludlow Halloween gig, so these characters were in full force.
I do not remember even doin a gig there, but apparently I did.
It just started snowing again when we went out there.
Pretty sure it was Woody from The Piano Store who took these.
I'm screaming at the sky or something...kinda like that Exorcist scene where the chick turns into a monster and screams...somethin' like that..
More Hi-Jinx in the snow!
Woody trudged back ta the Piano Store and got his other camera.
I like tempting fate 🎲 by sticking my hand 🖐 in theze giant boxez 📦.
Pulled this out.
This iz the back of a ✉.
Itz a set list from one a Joeyz showz at Cuntinental.
Most likely the St. Patrix Day ☘ show where I got in a fite 🥊.
Therez two peoplez writing on it. 🖊
Prolly Will from the backing band, and I think the ink 🖊 stuff iz mebe Joey.
"Rockaway Beatch" 😆
No idea what On the Beach waz...
Had ta look up Serenity...
Don't remember this song...
I waz bizzy beating the fuck outta some chick and hi on the five shotz a tekila 🥃 🥃 🥃 🥃 🥃 Joeyz brother got me, so...
Found some footage a the show yesterday. tk
I musta fergot ta cash this one in from Continental!
This iz a colorized photobooth picture on a flyer fer CBGB's Pizza Lounge.
I'm wearing this wacky hat I just had to have that I got from this Japanese couple that had a store called Pluto Dog next to or one door or two doors down from Ludlow St. Cafe.
They would ride one of those bicycle built fer two bikes alla time.
Their storefront was in the opening of the original SNL show.
Mike would always take me ta Chinatown and show me the Tik Tak Toe chicken.
It always amazed me.
We'd take photobooth pictures there.
I must have like 20 of them.
He was a real good guitar player, and a swell pal.
All the girls on the block were in love with him and even though there was nothin' between us, they were savagely jealous of me.
He gave me this Elvis doll.
One day one of these girls was over at my house and saw it and flipped out.
Turns out she had given it to him. 🙄
I think the Pizza Lounge was a short-lived annex in the basement of CBGBs.
Got some photos of this area and a pal who was makin' the pizza - fergot his name...(tk)
There is a little animation Fagan made for me of this, hand drawing all the stills and will animate it soon.
Fagan was a funny kid who was interning there.
I would tease him all the time and spook him.
He would fire back with funny drawings of me.
I often wonder wot happened to him.
And herez one now!
This was done by Steve Bunche.
I brought this 6' transvestite to a party he had.
It was funny as fuck.
I did very bad things at this place.
When I first got to NYC I went to this event.
They had a Priscilla Presley contest.
I won!
I was the only contestant 😝.
I won a t-shirt and a painting or something.
It was a lot a fun!
This cracks me up.
I don't know where the rest of it is.
I might find it but there ya go.
It's not the whole thing as everything is in fragments from VHS > DVD > MP4...
The codecs were so screwy I had to use a couple of different editing software to get it to go.
If I find the whole thing I'll put it up one day...
We're so stoic.
#2 show with Nick was a lot more lively and I was shitfaced.
There's a few more things I've found with him, that are pretty hysterical.
Nick was just so much fun.
I finally had someone to talk to who wasn't retarded and just spouted NY Dolls reverance all day.
He was smart.
Very, very refreshing.
And he worked hard.
I too, would push my records over to the club on a flat dolly.
My three wheeled Ampeg flip-top amp too.
I dunno how he pushed his stuff over to the LES from Brooklyn in a shopping cart.
I went with him one night putting up posters.
It was fun.
The faux punks I despised hated him more than they hated me.
I think it's cause Nick got lots a pussy.
He could walk down Avenue A in full drag and broad daylight and get pussy.
(I never saw him do this, just sayin' he could if he wanted to.)
He was great.
Encouraged me in my writing.
Told me to use lots of pictures.
Wasn't feasable then - it is now, as you can see.
Amazing friend.
There are a couple more from British, and another artist there did some covers or something for the paper I wrote for...
Found and took a stab at a contact sheet from this Columbus Circle shoot.
Couldn't decide on either o these so ya get ta see both of em.
Which one do you like best? 🤔
1-27-24 12:17 am - I've kissed a lot a weird things.
Prophetically went to the Museum of Natural History in NYC. 🦖
No idea wtf this is supposed to be 🤪.
This one was the most difficult believe it er not.
It had phone numbers and all kinds of notes all over it 😠.
Found these.
They were in a rando box attached to a brass fastener thingy that was all rusted.
They had rust all over em too from the fastener.
Removed the fastener with great disdain.
It got it's revenge on me, as I slowly figgered out this iz some kinda storyboard.
Since they were now outta order, which the fastener was doin' itz job of keeping, I dunno how these go.
I figger I'll be staring at them a while more and will mebe get a clue.
They're kinda trippy.
Rando art I found.
I like ta call this one "Anger Issues."
Found More Drawingz.
Therez two paperz with two on each side except the first one got alien writing on the back.
Either Doby's Open Mic Show (possibly a Valentinez Day show), Scooter ride in Hollywood, Squatter riot in the East Village, me stoned in my house plus much more I can't remember at the moment. tk
I also grabbed a Tycovision camera and there is a whole DOBY-TV Show of me walking around the Lower East Side. tk
🧨 8-14-24 11:49 p.m. - Fergot ta menshun we hadda earthquake the other day.
The best way I can describe it iz az if yer building was a cracker box and itz squeezed so one side goez up while the other one goez down and back and forth like that fer like a minit.
🧨 8-24-24 11:59 p.m. - Last nitez movie 📽.
This will take a minit or two ta load but itz worth it.
Itz a rare hi qualitee verzhon.
I think u will like it.
When it stops swirling, hit play.
🧨 8-26-24 6:27 p.m. - Playin around with 2D animation.
Made this yesterday.
I feel like Dr. Frankenstein 🩺 bringing her to life ♥.
I had ta die sect 🔪 her!
And then put her back ta gether 🧷!
I just zapped ⚡ her with electrodez 🔌 and shez showing signz a life😐.
Back ta the operating room 👓...
🧨 8-28-24 2:46 a.m. - Rando storyboard for video TK.
🧨 8-28-24 3:28 a.m. - Back ta the drawing board .
I haff ta redo her arms and legz , but I got her ta blink 😉.
🧨 10-24-24 10:13 p.m. - Last nite's movie.
🧨 11-29-24 6:42 p.m. - Made this today.
🧨 12-03-24 8:08 p.m. - Another one.
Just came back from NYC.
I was pretty fucked up, as my town was gone, and all my friends were dead.
I would get really stoned and play with these horses all day.
Since I slept in the barn, I'd hear them snore underneath me all night.
I'd always have to apologize to the sound guy on Earl and explain
"That's real horse shit, I'm sorry." when he stuck the sound reducer things on my boots.
He didn't mind.
He was one of the nicest guys on that show.
Again, more memorabilia from Francois...
He gave me that straw hat.
I have it here.
There is a big hole in the front top from a horse biting it. 😆
Fox and Doby
Tux and Doby
Manure Cam
This was for House lol.
Doby on the Stroll lol.
I was so fucking cold.
They shot it at night.
I was freezing my ass off.
The director kept yelling at me wot a good job I was doing.
I yelled back and asked him if he had any whiskey cause I woz freezing my ass off like I said.
He didn't have any for me.
I had so much fun fucking with people in TVLand.
I couldn't tell you wot episode this was.
I was on this show, like a zillion times.
I often played a degenerate.
It was a lotta fun.
Downside was I'd always tell the obligatory tale of actually having been incarcerated at Sybil Brand when filming there.
This bitter x set me up and I got thrown in the pokey fer weed fer 48 hours.
I was always so proud when I got to the part about how the Manson girls were on the floor above us.
And they all moved away from me on the bench there.
Was an odd feeling in the holding tank.
Every fucking time.
It took hours and a maze of buses to get there.
I'll write more about this later.
Everything's a work in progress.
lol that was not planned. The guy was taking his role too seriously, datz y I push him away.
Waz workin on some POS TV show and the AD kept yelling "HI ENERGY PEOPLE! HI ENERGY!"
I waz enthusiastic bout that.
Started animating it but never finished it.
This waz part a the storyboard.
Chapter 1 - Mugshot
Okay, I been meaning to make a .gif outta these stills fer a long time and will prolly put it in an update of this.
I started adding real footage to it when Bingo one day said, "You mean this really happened?"
Here's the aftermath of the fight:
The cops gave me this after they took my video away from me after da fight.
Chapter 2 - Flu You
Haha. I have an update to Chapter 2 yeah yeah soon...
Lots of love to all my friends I've loved, played and worked with...
Andre Champagne
Anthony the Doorman
Arlen Helm
Ba Ba
Bad Superman
Bernie the Doorman
Big Bill
Bill Bateman
Bill Holdship
Billy Bremner
Bleecker Bob
Bob Ricketts
Bobby Pasterelli
Carlo Nunccio
Daniel Rey
Dave Herman
David Harrington
David Lee Roth
Deviant Behaviour
Don Bolles
Donny Popejoy
Eddie Baytos
Eddie Ludlow
Eddie Munoz
El Duce
English Frank
Filthy McNasty
Gil Gex
Glen Freundl
Goddamn Liars
Greg Welsh
Guy who ran Spiral
Guy who ran Motor City
Honey Davis
James & Judy Chance
Jan Ballard
Janet Cunningham
Janet Housden
Jason the Doorman
Jeff Cranford
Jeff Ross
Jerry Agony
Jerry Angel
Jimmie Wood
Jimmy & The Mustangs
Jimmy Roberts
Joe Barrett
Joe Vegas
Joe X
Joey Morales
Joey Ramone
Joey Zero
John Herron
John X
Johnny Ray Bartell
Johnny Smart
Johnny Vargas
Johnny Whiteside
Kaya Chaos
Keith Barry
Keith Morris
Kenny Toy Boy
Len Fagan
Louise from CBGBS
Louie Lista Ludlow Crew
Mark Bad Puppy
Mark Thompson
Marshall Rohner
Mary Nixon
Matt Lee
Mike Mok
Mike the Doorman
Montana Dave
Monte Melnick
Nick the Prince
Nick Zedd
Pee Wee
Penny & Tina
Psycho Steve
Pygmy Love Circus
Rhett Butler
Rich Speziali
Rick Arbuckle
Robby Wonderful
Rockabilly Bill
Rodney Kramer
Roy the Doorman
Ruben Blue
Scott Morrow
Sea Monster Arthur
Shadow Morton
Sickie Wifebeater
Spit Stix
Spyder Mittleman
Steve Bunche
Steve Olson
Ted the Punk
Train Wreck Ghosts
Texacala Jones
The Duke
The Mentors
Tim Patrick
Tom from Nighingales
Tony Scopitone
Tony T
Top Jimmy
Wayne the Doorman
Wild Bill
Will MacGregor